Educating Humans
Educating Humans
48. Teaching at a Classical School
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What is it like to teach in a classical school? As teachers, we are by default telling our students that what we're teaching is worth loving. We're also telling them that learning itself is worth doing. Teachers, therefore, should love learning. But so much of teaching today has become administration and box-ticking.
Teaching in a classical school means many things, but one of them is an atmosphere of 'schole'. While it translates literally to 'leisure', our modern definition of this word doesn't do justice to the depth of the original intention. Schole doesn't mean easy or lazy - working in a classical school will be hard work - but the work will be meaningful, and the conversations rich and rewarding.
St John Henry Newman College is looking for teachers who are attracted to this vision of education.
Check out Difff's other podcast: Chiron, conversations about the past to help make sense of the present.
And James' other podcast: The Art of Inquiry, inquiries into the nature of the world and humanity with expert level guests passionate about their field.
Music: 'Inspiring Dreams' by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
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